Monday, November 15, 2010

Racing to Nowhere Documenting Kids' Pressure to Perform

Great Article. long but good.
if you don't have a lot of time check out the end where it gives ideas on what we can do.

Are Gagets making us rude?

Check this out. It might make you think twice when you use your cell phone.

Both Youth Retreats PICS & VIDEOS


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Sr. High YOUTH RETREAT details--check out our facebook for pics & videos

This might be a little long to read but it might be of value to you to ask good questions to your child in regards to what all happened on the youth retreat. This email is to inform you but mainly so you can ask good questions to start quality conversations with your child.

The kids had a blast this weekend. We had great weather even though it was a little cool in the morning for devotions.

As I was driving the bus back to the church I really felt a need to follow up with the parents and let you know about the weekend and some more specific questions to help you get better answers than the general answer, “It was good”. My heart is to help and serve you the parent to help grow your child up into a man/woman of God.

I was sharing with the coaches (that’s what we call our adult volunteers) after a great night of ministry that we are so privileged to be apart of what God is doing in our youth. We see some of the benefits of all the prayers of family, friends, and us and see God move and convict kids hearts to move them closer to Him.

I will try my best to describe a quick synapses of the weekend. Our theme for the weekend was vending machines.
We arrived and got settled in.
We played 2 games to help get to know each others names.
Sessions 1=Our speaker (Carmel, from the REACH program at Rosedale Mennonite Missions) spoke on identity. How we sometimes we are like a vending machine. We push A1 to act this way for our friends, E4 to impress our teacher/coach, C5 to be a good child at home, B9 to try and be perfect for God.
Our worship was by Cameron, Regina, Sawyer, Luke.
The rest of the evening was playing tournaments in ping pong, foosball, euchre, carpetball, or eating snacks that everyone brought and hanging out.

Morning was a great breakfast and devotions
Session 2=Created for God, We have 2 kinds of sin 1) Original everyone has-selfishness coming from the garden of Eden, Some generational sins. 2)personal sin-sins of choice or you could call them empty wells. Empty wells are things you pursue outside of God. She had us identify our empty wells and abandon them. And that we are made for intimacy with God, dependency on God, and obedience to God.
Worship by Escaping Yesterday
Ask them about game ball & Survival
Any breaks they played tournament games.
Session 3=Talked about forgiveness being an exchange between me and God, confession + repentance= exchange. Some kids came up and confessed about some unforgiveness they held in their heart and some general unconfessed sin they have held secretly in their hearts. I would encourage you to ask them about this in a sensitive manner. Sometimes it’s good to wait for a period of time to talk about it. You could take them out for a special evening just you and them and talk about it or go to a special park, restaurant, ect..
Afterward the kids had an awesome worship time experiencing the freedom in God. One young man was so overwhelmed he was sitting down behind everyone and with tears coming down his eyes he explained to a coach he has never experienced the freedom of God this way in his life. Ask the kids about running out of the lodge while they worshiped.
After that was skits. Ask them about the skits. Ask them what skit they were in and how it went. Ask about some of the other skits.

Great brunch and devotions
Ask them about the coaches relays and what they did in the relay.
Session 4=Knowing the absolute truth, what are society’s absolute truth, how to survive when you go home.
The kids divided up into girls and guys. The girls were asked if they would like to sign up for a mentor or be in an accountability group. Most of the girls signed up to have a mentor in their life. Mentor being someone to speak in their life other than their parent. Someone the parent can trust.
The guys talked about forming an accountability group. Three boys were nominated to be the point leaders for the group. A adult male/males will work with this group of boys.
Both things discussed with the boys and girls will be offered to the rest of the youth group.

Overall it was a great weekend to get closer to their Heavenly Father. Thanks for letting you child experience this weekend. Carmel (she works with a number of kids) explained to me that these kids are a great group with open hearts to God. I feel honored to work with such great kids. Kids willing to seek after our God and find Him at Bear Lake Camp in Albion IN. My prayer is they continue to seek Him. Keep encouraging your kids to read The Word daily and find time as a family to talk about His Word together and pray together, not just at the dinner table.


Scott Herbert
Youth Pastor
Maple City Chapel
2015 Lincolnway E.
Goshen IN. 46526
“Honor all people, Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.” 1 Peter 2:17