Guide For Parents
Media is defined as: the main means of mass communication (esp. television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet) regarded collectively. Depending on who you talk to, people might say media has more of an influence on kids today then parents or friends.
Lets face it today media is all over the place. We can try to keep our kids away from the bad parts of media but it still is very easy to access. More important what happens when they are all grown up? There are also many good parts of media. So there is a balance. But are they ready for the media mania on their own?
This month we will be talking about media:
The good
The bad
Where is God in all of this?
Use the following information and questions to reinforce the truths of this month of Bible study at home. Use one or two of the discussion starters to begin a conversation. Look for teachable moments—at home, in the car, or at a game. Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teenager(s).
Ephesians 5:6-14
What is the danger in media?
The world is full of deceptive messages.
> What forms of media are the most powerful to you?
> What is your favorite form of media? Why?
> What are some of the lies you hear in the media?
> What media messages can cause believers to be led astray in their relationship with Christ?
> How did Paul say we are to live as believers? Why is that important when it comes to media?
> Why are the messages portrayed in the media an indication that we are in a spiritual battle?
> How should we look at these messages?
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